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♥ plushies love ♥
Wednesday, October 06, 2010

did fairy godmother heard my prayer?

seems like i'm meeting mickey love soon! ((:

I would love to bring shelliemay home to accompany duffy, but I hope to bring B3 home from the farawayy freezing island too. Boo, shall not be so greedy. Maybe B3 shouldn't come back with me and join B1 & B2. Three bunnies are a tad too much, isn't it?

okay, f.y.i, my bunnies are plushie bunnies.

They are so so adorable, that I think no one can resist smiling at them and mumble/whine "awww... so cute!" Just look at them, they'll brighten your day up. They make you smile, and make you want to cuddle them in your arms. BUT, they're to small to cuddle. They love carrot-ing! Alright, I guess most humans won't know what carrot-ing means, but then yes, they love carrot-ing. And they look even more adorable while carrot-ing. 

fine, i shall stop my nonsense.

I am not mad, not yet. not at all.
maybe soon, who knows. one day, when the nerves are wrong.
there's so many things going wrong.

12:54 AM | back to top

♥ procrastinate ♥
Saturday, October 02, 2010

hello earth,

I have been procrastinating really badly. It kept slipping off my mind that i have a paper to take in 2months time. So till now, I have yet to start my revision. I guess 70% of what I've learnt have been returned to my teacher. :\

So now, I am missing freezing island already! ((:
Its time to fly back soon, to top-up my skincare/cosmetics and tibits! heehee

Lets pray for disneyland in december too! :D
I love christmas decorations!

2:06 PM | back to top

♥ the wrong move ♥
Friday, October 01, 2010

Many times, we often take things for granted; we live in regret, and always hope things will change according to how we want it to. But many times, we failed to see that the world doesn't just revolve around ourselves alone. Things doesn't change just because you want it to, every move you make doesn't just affect you alone.

You don't ask a person to come for 3months. and end up asking the person to leave after 3weeks. why are the adults acting like kids, so am I acting like a baby?

I hate everything that is happening now.

12:45 PM | back to top

♥ sometimes ♥
Friday, September 24, 2010

Sometimes, you can just get upset easily over small little things that happens in life. And yet sometimes, small little things can get you over the moon.

4:12 PM | back to top

♥ double monday blue ♥
Monday, September 20, 2010

horrible mood ))":

and yet no one understand.

10:59 PM | back to top

♥ the creature ♥
Sunday, September 12, 2010

humans are never creatures that can be easily contented.

3:24 PM | back to top

♥ a phase ♥
Monday, September 06, 2010

maybe its just a phase. tell me its just a phase. is it really just a phase.  

10:43 PM | back to top

The Queen
A girl who loves hunting down different places in the world and enjoy moving around herself. A girl who loves surprises and all the confectionery products in Japan, with special liking to Meiji.
moving around

trip to japan - winter x 7
trip to japan - summer x 3
trip to japan - autumn
trip to japan - spring
bangkok trip
taiwan trip
cambodia trip
london trip
shanghai trip again
she wants

Duffy Bear
Burberry Blue Label
Samantha Thavasa Purse
driving license
wish come true

the loves
beex benson betsy
candice catherine
eng sheng
mable mich
sabrina shyy sokling sunita
val vonn
yingsheng yingwei

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